Updated 25 July 2018–Lazaro Ecenarro ~ All the way to the top 


Laz Ecenerro and Shawna Cox present the results of their research, the evidence they’ve discovered that exposes the political agenda of the Politicians and Co-Conspirators in the taking of lands in Nevada, Oregon and other Western Lands.  This takes you to the bottom of the Rabbit Hole in the Bunkerville and Malheur Incidents.

[The video above is complex.  Names, documents and other facts all tying together the reasons behind the Bundy Ranch face-off, Malheur Refuge Stand and the people involved on both sides and in the Trials taking place, plus much more, are summarized below]

  • 1995–Cliven Bundy and 50 other Ranchers had contracts with the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) in southern Nevada.  Using the excuse that the Desert Tortoise in the Gold Butte region was endangered,  BLM changed the contract and manipulated the rules over several years.  While still collecting Grazing Fees from the Ranchers for “managing grazing lands on Rancher’s behalf,” the BLM forced them to reduce their cattle numbers making it impossible for the Ranchers to stay in business.  One by one the Ranchers had to sell their cattle off and their Grazing Rights to the BLM for pennies on the dollar.  By April of 2014, Cliven Bundy had been fighting this push against his Grazing Rights for twenty years and was the last Rancher standing in the way of Harry Reid’s contract with a Chinese Corporation to sell the lands to the Chinese at very low cost.  This deal also involved Rory Reid, Harry Reid’s son, a Clark County Commissioner.
  • Politicians, Judges and others in Oregon, Nevada, Washington DC and elsewhere are pushing out Ranching, Mining, Logging, Recreationists and other land use activities in 11 Western States to clear landowners and users off these lands for their own agenda and using the BLM and the USFWS to do it.  Underneath these lands are a wealth of Uranium, Gold, Copper, Nickel and other Minerals.  [How did the Federal Government go from managing these lands to “owning” 53% of the lands in the West?]
  • President Bill Clinton, Interior Secretary Babbitt, Rep. Greg Walden, R-OR (Bill Sponsor), Sen. Ron Wyden, D-OR and Chad Kargas-USFWS, Harney county were behind a Congressional bill called the Steen’s Mountain Act, signed by President Clinton October, 2000 (Steen’s Mountain is located in Harney County, Oregon where the Hammond Ranch is located).
  • Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-OR, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-OR, Rep. Greg Walden, R-OR and Judge/Commissioner Steve Grasty, Harney County, testified for another Congressional bill that allocated $750,000,000 for anybody who might become contaminated with radiation. U-235 and U-238 undepleted Uranium is radioactive which affects the lungs, pancreas and liver. The bill included the monies for the Navy, the Army, the Marines, the Air Force and Steen’s Mountain Agriculture (SMA).  Why include SMA?  Because when they extract the Uranium it is active and will contaminate the land, plants and animals.
  • Bill Clinton, in 2000, gave Uranium, Nuclear Technology (Missile Satellite secrets) to China (and Nuclear Technology to North Korea) and [received money].  Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (and Bill) sold Uranium to and [received money] from Russia (Iran and Iraq part of this deal).
  • Secretary Clinton, Sen John McCain, R-AZ, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-FL, Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-KY, Sen. Lindsey Graham R-SC [with President Obama] helped evolve/strengthen ISIS [formerly Al-Qaeda] and used Benghazi [while deliberately refusing to help Ambassador Stevens and 4 Marines there] in order to transfer weapons, ammunition, money and URANIUM to ISIS fighters in Syria after Libya had been brought down by the same.  This was documented in Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-IA letters (validated) as seen in Assange’s Wikileaks, as well as the Russia, China and Uranium information.  John Podesta was also included in this information.
  • Clinton Foundation gave Uranium to our enemies while sending our troops over to fight against these same people.  This relates to the monies allotted for expected Radiation Illnesses in the earlier bill, though veterans often do not know about the money or how to get access to it.
  • In Oregon, SB1113 is regarding the Uranium that went to China.  HB4402 is regarding the Uranium that is reserved to go to Russia.  While these minerals are sold to Foreign Interests, money goes to Hedge Funds associated with the Oregon Legislative Investment Fund.  Those involved include the Oregon Judges and Politicians already mentioned and 50 Corporations including Bentz Solutions, LLC  owned by Andy and Ken Bentz, brothers to Oregon House Rep., Cliff Bentz, Ontario, Oregon (Vale/Ontario) who earned his JD from Lewis and Clark Law School.  Also, Calico Resources (with Barrick Gold, Inc, both connected to George Soros who we know donates to many of the campaigns of persons mentioned here).
  • Uranium extraction area ranges from Vale, Oregon through Malheur County to Harney County/Steen’s Mountain in Eastern Oregon.  [Note: Uranium has a “signature” and it’s possible to determine from where it was sourced]
  • There was a lot of information in the documents found by the Bundy Occupiers in the Malheur Wildlife Refuge about these activities and the persons involved.  (No wonder local, State and Federal Government entities got so upset and just wanted them OUT of the Refuge and Harney county).
  • Endangered Species Act, Kieran Suckling from Center for Bio-Diversity [who came to protest against Malheur Occupants] is “in bed” with Harry Reid, Rory Reid, Jeff Merkley, Ron Wyden, Greg Walden and Earl Blumenauer and is in “Bill Clinton’s pocket.”  Also involved [and appointed by Bill Clinton] are Judge Ann Aiken, who Re-Sentenced Dwight and Steven Hammond [Ranchers at Steen’s Mountain] to 5 years prison, Judge Aiken’s son [protested against Malheur Occupiers], Judge Anna J. Brown [who oversaw Malheur trials in Multnomah County Federal Court] and Sally Amanda Marshall–US Attorney for District Court, Oregon.  U.S. Magistrate Judge, Stacie F. Beckerman is also implicated in this conspiracy.  Almost all of the people listed above are associated with the Lewis and Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon.
  • Goal of Bundy Malheur Occupation was to help the Hammonds, Cattle Ranchers on Steen’s Mountain, who were having their Ranch taken from them (see American Standoff ) in Oregon.  Apparently, the Hammond Ranch had already been sold to Uranium One (Russia) without the Hammond’s consent and this would explain the intense interest of the several parties (including the Clintons, of course) in successfully imprisoning the Hammond men to force the Hammonds to sell and then the BLM would get first option to buy the Ranch as agreed (under duress upon the Hammonds) during the previous court proceedings.  It’s not just about Water.  It continues to this day.
  • Before LaVoy Finicum was killed, Valerie Jarrett sent an order to Governor Kate Brown [appointed when Gov. Kitzhaber resigned, Kate Brown is closely associated with Bill and Hillary Clinton] to “Shut this VIRUS down,” meaning the Bundy Occupiers.  Oregon Senators Merkley and Wyden handled public relations for the action.
  • When the FBI and OSP first stopped the two vehicles on HWY 395, they immediately shot at LaVoy Finicum’s vehicle, without provocation [this is when the passenger’s side outside mirror was shot].  Because of this, the remaining occupants of his pickup (after Ryan Payne got out) did not want to exit the vehicle.  Also, the FBI and OSP had not identified themselves until Ryan and LaVoy asked them who they were.  This was well after the first shots were fired and gun laser lights were focused on LaVoy.  LaVoy and his passengers believed they would be shot so they decided the best thing to do was go to the Grant County Sheriff who was expecting them.  FBI/OSP didn’t want LaVoy to make it to Grant County, a “UN-Free Zone” where they would not have jurisdiction.  Sheriff Palmer of Grant County is considered a Constitutional Sheriff by many in the Patriot Groups.  The Bundy/Finicum entourage was scheduled to speak to Ranchers in Grant County about Grazing Rights/Land Ownership that night. [See The Meeting that Never Happened]
  • Shawna Cox believes the OSP later discovered that they were set up by the FBI to shoot/kill LaVoy Finicum.
  • James Comey’s Brother is tied to the Clinton Foundation.
  • Special Counsel, former head of FBI, Robert Mueller took samples of highly enriched Uranium to Russia to give to Putin.  Wikileaks
  • The two last points above are likely the reason why the FBI involved itself in the Bundy Malheur Occupation in Harney County.
  • Several letters (Wikileaks), communications between James Comey, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch to Kate Brown, Ron Wyden and Steven Grasty–went on for 5 days.  Phone logs of calls between Ron Wyden and Steve Grasty, Sheriff Dave Ward, Kate Brown and Greg Walden.
  • Copies of all Documents have been made, cached in several locations and sent to Jeanette Finicum, as well.
  • Clinton Foundation and Obama gave Uranium to Uranium One (Canada), the Russian front company, to ISIS through Benghazi for Syrian attack against Assad.
  • Robert Mueller was supposed to be investigating the Clinton Foundation but has turned around and is investigating President Trump for possible ties to Russia.  What was he doing taking Uranium samples to Russia?
  • This is well-known by congress.  They have brought some of this up.  Why hasn’t Trey Gowdy and Chuck Grassley had the Seargent-At-Arms arrest Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Robert Mueller, Ron Wyden, Greg Walden, Jeff Merkley, Harry Reid, Rory Reid, Neil Kornze (BLM)?


  • George Soros is connected to Calico Resources (Oregon) and Barrick Gold, Inc (Nevada) which merged one month after the assassination of Robert LaVoy Finicum in Oregon.
  • Soros contributes to Obama, Clintons, DNC and many other politicians listed in this report.
  • Neil Kornze, head of BLM was appointed by Harry Reid to that position 2 days before the Bunkerville Protest.  Until that time, Neil Kornze had been working in Harry Reid’s Congressional Office.  Neil Kornze’s Father, Larry Kornze is a Geologist and Lobbyist for George Soros’s company, Barrick Gold, Inc.
  • In 2005, Gloria Navarro worked for Harry Reid and Rory Reid (Clark County Nevada Commissioner) as a County Attorney.  She is now a US District Court Judge and over the Trial of the Bunkerville defendants.  Gloria Navarro was strongly suggested to President Obama by Harry Reid for a Federal Judge appointment [to which many in the legal community objected] and was confirmed in 2010.
  • Gloria Navarro is “in bed” with Harry Reid son-inlaw, Steve Barriger who is a Lobbyist/Attorney for Soros company Barrick Gold, Inc.  There is an active case, US vs. Barrick Gold, Inc right now.  Gloria Navarro is also the Judge in this case.
  • Gloria Navarro is married to Clark County Asst DA, Brian Rutledge.  Brian Rutledge was listed as a witness for the Bunkerville Defense and the Defense was denied his testimony. Judge Navarro should have recused herself upon learning this information but instead refused to let the Defense call her husband as a witness.
  • The Bundy Ranchers and the Veterans who came to help them are being held in a Prison- for-Profit without pre-trial release or possibility for bail under NDAA without any valid charges, just making things up, basically a FEMA-type imprisonment.
  • The People of this country need to understand how serious this is or we could soon be under Martial Law if precedent is set if the Federal Court prevails in this case.
  • Oregon Judges and Politicians are profiting by the sale of Uranium, et al. through the Oregon Legislative Investment Council.  They send the minerals, that belong to the people of the United States, to Wall Street where the profits go back to the Hedge Fund they’re invested in.
  • This all has been done to people before.  Wayne Hage family.  The Dann Sisters.  Many others.
  • Dean Heller and Mark Amodei are Nevada Republican State Senators who are “in bed” with Harry Reid.
  • If any of the 26 Defendants are found guilty, the Feds can take everything away from Cliven Bundy under Forfeiture Clause.
  • Judge Navarro purposely confused the Jury in the first Nevada trial so that it resulted in a Mistrial when it should have been an Acquittal.
  • Judge Navarro has denied the Defense all of its witnesses and has not allowed the Defendants to talk about anything related to the actions of the Government in Bunkerville and much more has been denied the Defense.  They have been almost completely shut down during the entire trial.
  • Bunkerville friends of Bundys in the Wash the day of the Protest filed complaints about the guns that were pointed at them by the BLM Law Enforcement.  The complaints were ignored.
  • The Sheriff’s Office in Clark County were held back from helping Bundys by Navarro’s husband, Brian Rutledge.
  • The Goal, the desired Outcome for all of this corruption is to take the land and minerals from the People of the United States.
  • December 2016, Barack Obama declares the Gold Butte lands a National Monument with an Executive Order.  That’s how the Government steals from US.

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